Bryan McHale

Bryan McHale Employment Lawyer in Calgary, Alberta
Employment Lawyer

Legal Assistant: Baraa
Baraa’s Phone: 587.391.7602

Employment Lawyer

Bryan McHale is an associate Employment Lawyer with Bow River Law LLP.  He has been practicing as a lawyer for over 10 years with considerable experience in settlement negotiations, risk management and trial advocacy. Bryan has practiced law in both Alberta and British Columbia in civil litigation with a focus on employment law representing clients in wrongful dismissal, constructive dismissal, severance, disability claims, human rights, disciplinary action, employment policy, employment standards and negotiation of employment contracts. He has represented his clients in Provincial Court (now called Alberta Court of Justice) the Court of King’s Bench and various alternative dispute resolutions such as mediation and judicial dispute resolution. Bryan has an appreciation for both sides of the table and works with his clients over a broad range of legal matters empowering employees when faced with workplace disputes, advising businesses on employment concerns and, in general, navigating his clients through resolutions, litigation, and trial.

Bryan’s post-secondary education began with a Bachelor of Science in genetics from the University of Alberta followed by a Bachelor of Laws (LLB).  In addition to practicing law in Edmonton, Calgary and Vancouver, Bryan was involved in a start-up microbrewery in Alberta. The experience of building-out and managing the operations of a small business provided an understanding of the realities met by employees and employers in the Alberta workplace. Bryan is inspired by the human quality of employment law in Canada – the merging of contractual principles and the rights of individuals and businesses with a view of protecting vulnerable parties.

Bryan is also active in theatre and the TV & Film industry with appearances in TV shows, movies and on stage. When he is not updating case precedent or memorizing monologues, Bryan likes to take advantage of Calgary’s proximity to the Rocky Mountains enjoying hikes, paddleboarding and the breathtaking views.

  • Bachelor of Laws (LLB.) (2002)
  • Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.), Specialization in Genetics (1996)

Professional Associations, Affiliations and Community Activities

  • Member, Canadian Bar Association
    • Labour and Employment
  • Member, Alberta Civil Trial Lawyers Association
  • Member, ACTRA
  • Board of Directors – Urban Stories Theatre
Law Society of Alberta

Canadian Bar Association Alberta Branch

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540 5 Ave SW #1240, Calgary, AB T2P 0M2
Call Now: 587-391-7601


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