

Workplace Gaslighting and Employment Law in Alberta

Uncover the insidious tactics of workplace gaslighting and explore the legal parameters available under Alberta employment law. In recent years,…

12 June 2024
pregnancy discrimination guide by calgary alberta employment law firm.
New Biggest Human Rights Damages Case in Alberta

Oliva, Pascoe, and Strong v Gursoy, 2024 AHRC 45 is an Alberta human rights decision with the highest general damages award in AB history, among other things

19 March 2024
Pregnancy Discrimination in Alberta Workplaces: A Guide

Pregnancy discrimination is a serious issue that can have devastating effects on pregnant individuals and their careers. In Alberta, Canada, there are…

2 November 2023
constructive dismissal in calgary, alberta
Constructive Dismissal in Alberta: The Ultimate Guide

In the realm of employment law, constructive dismissal is a concept that is both complex and consequential. For employees in…

24 September 2023
Alberta Recognizes New Tort of Harassment!

AHS v Johnston, 2023 ABKB 209 (Feasby) recognizes a new tort of Harassment in Alberta, which could be used in employment law cases

28 May 2023
self-employed or employee
Sexual Harassment Claim Denied Based On Credibility

In Omeltchenko v Alberta, 2023 AHRC 18, the AHRT denied a human rights gender discrimination (sexual harassment) claim on the basis of credibility

17 February 2023
Worker that has been injured and harassed by his employers
Mega Damages in Constructive Dismissal Case Involving Violence

In Osmani v Universal Structural Restorations, 2022 ONSC 6979, an employee was punched in the testicles and awarded damages against manager and employer

20 December 2022
Old Evidence Not Barred By Limitations In Constructive Dismissal

In HFX Broadcasting v Cochrane, 2022 NSCA 67, an employer failed to have old evidence of harassment disallowed in constructive dismissal case

21 November 2022
Sexual Assault Grievance Timelines Not Always Extended in Alberta

In Alberta v AUPE, 2022 CanLii 45552, an Alberta Arbitrator found he did not have authority to extend CA grievance timelines in sexual assault case.

8 August 2022
Woman receiving a letter confirming a dismissal from her job.
$50k in General Damages for Sexual Harassment in Alberta

In Yaschuk v Emerson Electric, 2022 AHRC 62, an employee was awarded $50k for the pain and suffering sexual harassment at work caused her.

6 June 2022
woman experiencing harassment in the workplace.
“Shop Talk” Not An Excuse: Sexual Harassment Found

A female employee was who sexually harassed at a construction site was awarded $20,000 in general damages for pain and suffering.

25 August 2021
Man receiving unwanted sexual advances in the workplace.
Any Sexual Assault Very Serious- Dupont Case Overturned

ABQB said the trial judge analysis should have started with a finding that sexual assault is always at the higher end of the spectrum of sexual harassment.

23 August 2021

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540 5 Ave SW #1240, Calgary, AB T2P 0M2
Call Now: 587-391-7601


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