

Employer Discriminates Regarding Gender Pronouns

Nelson v Goodberry, 2021 BCHRT 137 is a human rights case where an employer discriminated by refusing to use an employee’s preferred pronouns.

21 February 2022
The Human Rights Accommodation Two-Way Street

In Zupcic v Saputo, 2022 AHRC 13, termination of employment was not discriminatory where a disabled employee did not do her part in accommodation.

9 February 2022
Defective Release Found to Prevent Human Rights Complaint

An employee signed a release which was arguably problematic, but he was still prevented from bringing an Alberta human rights discrimination complaint.

4 January 2022
Employers Do Not Always Have to Inquire About Mental Disability

In Cliff v HMQ Alberta, an employer was not required to have inquired about a mental disability prior to seeking performance improvement.

30 November 2021
A woman who is stressed out because of covid-19 lay-offs and dismissals
Horrocks (SCC) Case: Alberta Human Rights Game Changer?

Horrocks (2021 SCC 42) deals with concurrent jurisdiction of labour arbitrators and human rights commissions for human rights matters in unionized settings.

2 November 2021
Business women outside of court house in employment law case.
Absenteeism Termination Found To Be Discrimination

In Smorhay v Goodfellow, the employer terminated employment due to absenteeism, but those absences had been related to human rights grounds.

26 October 2021
Pregnant woman under stress from employer.
Employer Discriminated Despite Not Knowing About Pregnancy

In Turnbull, an Alberta employer fired an employee instead of accommodating them. They did not know she was pregnant, but it was still discriminatory.

19 October 2021
Dismissal Due to Budget Cuts Can Still Be Discrimination

A disabled employee was dismissed due to budget cuts, but the CHRT found that the dismissal was also discriminatory and awarded her damages.

2 September 2021
woman experiencing harassment in the workplace.
“Shop Talk” Not An Excuse: Sexual Harassment Found

A female employee was who sexually harassed at a construction site was awarded $20,000 in general damages for pain and suffering.

25 August 2021
Worker that has been injured and harassed by his employers
Injured Worker Harassed, then Fired: $25k in Human Rights Damages

A pipefitter with a shoulder injury was harassed at work and then fired. He was awarded $25k in general damages plus lost wages.

4 August 2021
Muslim student experiencing discrimination at school.
Court Agrees: School Tangled up in Discrimination Web

The Court upheld the Alberta Human Rights decision that Webber Academy failed to accommodate the religious requirements of some Muslim students.

26 July 2021
Pregnant woman under stress from employer.
Daigle Appeal Rejects Johnstone / Clarifies Family Status Discrimination

ABCA says employee making choice of childcare is irrelevant to whether employer’s new schedule is prima facie discriminatory to that employee.

18 June 2021

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